October 2024 International Exchange Salon  Let’s Learn about Sake … and the deep relationship with Japanese climate and culture

Since ancient times, Japan has developed a unique food culture through rice farming.

In October, the theme of the CCIEA Exchange Salon event will be “Japanese Sake,” a fermented rice beverage that is attracting attention around the world.

Let’s learn about the diverse world of Japanese Sake together through the climate and culture of Japan.


Date: October 19 (Sat.) 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Place: Gender Equality Center “Bouquet 21” 4F Workroom (1-1-1 Minato, Chuo-ku)


■Registration is required

※Terms and Conditions for Application & Participation

・ Those who are under 20 years old are strictly forbidden to participate in this event.

・ Please carefully read and understand the Terms and Conditions on the application form of this event.

For details