We provide places that help people become familiar with the traditional culture and art associated with Chuo city, as well as for international exchange among residents.
Wednesday August 12th, 2020
[やさしいにほんご] とくべつ ていがく きゅうふきんの もうしこみは しましたか?(8月12日更新)
Wednesday August 5th, 2020
International Exchange Salon Let’s play BOCCIA !!
Wednesday July 29th, 2020
小野リサ 弾き語りボサノバコンサート
Monday July 27th, 2020
文化講座 まちかど展示館で学ぶ「人に話したくなる!中央区の歴史文化と技」
Thursday July 2nd, 2020
Announcement about the CCIEA’s policy of holding events and classes
Wednesday June 24th, 2020
Cancellation of the CCIEA Japanese Classes in July.
Thursday June 11th, 2020
~コロナに負けるな!CCIEAオンライン講座『これからの日本語教室のために 今わたしたちができることを考える』(全3回)~
Thursday May 7th, 2020
Office Close
Thursday April 23rd, 2020
令和2年度日本語指導者養成講座 開催中止のお知らせ