In this class, we will study daily Japanese conversation.
You will have an opportunity to practice speaking Japanese thorough conversation with your instructors and classmates.
We are looking for people who are interested in learning how to speak Japanese. This class is for beginners who want to learn basic conversation in Japanese.

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Details of Classes

Eligibility Foreigners who live, work, or go to school in Chuo City.
Day and Time Every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Friday from 10:00 to 11:45

※We do not have classes in August.

The venue  on January 17th has  changed to Tsukishima Social Education Center.

Location Tsukishima Community Hall
Level Beginners who have never studied Japanese or can speak a little Japanese.
Fees ¥500 Japanese yen per Month
Textbooks We use our original materials.
How to Apply Please send an application form to CNC Tsukishima by  Email.

You can download the form from the links below .       

  CNC TSUKISHIMA Application form Word版


Application Information
